Let’s take a look at all of the fantastic gross motor activities that were shared on our Facebook page this week for Movement Monday. If you are new here, Movement Monday is a day to celebrate whole body movement to get kids moving. So, we invite you to head on over to our Facebook page and share your favorite gross motor ideas. We pin them throughout the week and then round them up every Monday. Here were our top 3 favorites from this past week.
iGAMEMOM shared a very unique way to get kids moving that I absolutely LOVE! We downloaded Big Cat Race as soon as I saw it on Facebook and, I have to say, my kids had a blast racing all of the different animals! The best part about it is that your kiddos actually MOVE! Check it out.
3 BOYS AND A DOG gets moving with a family game night that involves hide and seek! Where is LegoMan? A series of yes and no questions are asked to try to locate the stuffed Lego character that one person hid. So fun and such a great way to get kids moving around the house!
LITTLE BINS FOR LITTLE HANDS showed us that sometimes the simple way is the best way! She used tape to mark lines on the floor and then encouraged her child to find different ways to jump over them. Some lines were close together and some further apart. To expand on this activity and increase theproprioceptive and strengthening benefits, she suggested rolling a heavy ball on the lines. So easy and so many ways to change this activity up!
Thank you to all who shared this week! We had a record number of gross motor activities to choose from! Please head on over to our Facebook page and post your favorite whole body movement activity now!
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