These fun ways to move are great ideas for supporting successful transitions and for building motor and sensory processing skills in kids!
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You’re headed to the grocery store but your three-year-old is refusing to walk to the car.
Or maybe you’re about to make the long trek from the classroom to the main office with a kiddo who would really rather not go with you.
Or, maybe you’re facing an even bigger challenge…it’s time to leave the playground and your little one is not hearing it.
Whether you’re a teacher, a therapist, a parent, a grandparent, or a childcare provider – you’ve been in a situation where you’ve wanted to get a reluctant child from one place to another without a fight.
We’ve already shared some of our favorite transition strategies for preventing tantrums that can help kids move from one activity to the next. Today, we’re honing in on that loooooong walk down the hallway or to the car or home from the park with these 50 Fun Ways to Move from Here to There!
50 Fun Ways to Move from Here to There!
- Walk on tiptoes
- Walk on heels
- Skip
- Gallop
- Crab walk
- Bear Walk
- Ride a scooter
- Wheelbarrow walk
- Side Step
- Grapevine
- Leap
- Jump with two feet
- Walk with coffee can stilts or toy stilts
- Hop on one foot
- Skip backwards
- March
- Inchworm
- Crawl
- Stomp
- Pretend to walk on a tightrope
- Giant steps
- Walk with Moon Shoes
- Walk backwards
- Cartwheel
- Baby steps
- Somersault
- Roll
- Walk on stepping stones
- Frog jump
- Run
- Walk in slow motion
- Twirl
- Walk on an adult’s feet
- Walking lunges
- Scissor jump
- Ride a bike, balance bike
, or tricycle
- Kick a ball
- Toss a ball back and forth with a partner
- Toss a ball up in the air to yourself
- Push a cart or bolster
- Pull a wagon (or get pulled in a wagon)
- Bat a balloon back and forth
- Tap dance
- Commando crawl
- Jump over obstacles
- Crawl under obstacles
- Skip rope
- Rollerblade
- “Ice skate” on two hand towels
- Move on a Spooner Board
What are your favorite ways to help kids move from point A to point B? Share them in the comments below!
Check out these ideas to help kids learn to wait and walk in line.
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