This post contains affiliate links. Read more. Looking for toys and activities for kids that will inspire teamwork and cooperation? Check out a few of our favorite things! 1 Super Slider Zoom Ball: An interactive gross motor toy that depends on cooperation while also targeting bilateral coordination, body awareness, and strengthening 2 The Cooperative Band: A fun addition to group gross motor activities and a great way to build balance, strength, and body awareness 3 Richard Scarry’s Busytown Eye Found It Game: Targets cooperative play and communication by requiring all players to work ... Read More about TOYS AND ACTIVITIES FOR KIDS: COOPERATION
We love easy paper crafts for kids! Here's one of my favorite fine motor activities for kids with a new twist: the friendship paper chain! “Is it Friday yet?” “How many days until we get to go to Dylans house?” Or, my personal favorite, “Is it tomorrow yet?” You’ve probably heard a few of these gems as your child counts down the days until an exciting event. A paper chain can be a fun way to count down to a visit with a cousin, a meet-up with a play group, or a special classroom event. This version sets the stage for a lesson on what it means to be a good friend. WHAT YOU'LL NEED: ... Read More about PAPER CRAFTS FOR KIDS: FRIENDSHIP CHAIN
Airplane Movement Song for Transportation Theme
Gross motor activities that go along with catchy music are great ways to get kids moving! Think about all the times a catchy song has come on in the car and a glance in the rearview mirror reveals bobbing heads, clapping hands, and all around grooving! Laurie Berkner Band is one of our favorite bands for musical movement. And this song is one of our favorites to get kids moving! Click here to find the song on YouTube. THE AIRPLANE SONG Get in your airplanes and off we go Going to the park is first, you know. Now slow it down and land on the ground And when you get out you’re gonna ... Read More about Airplane Movement Song for Transportation Theme
Partner Yoga for Kids
These poses are a great way to introduce partner yoga for kids! Building strength and balance can be fun! Partner yoga for kids is the perfect way to have fun while getting a little workout! Yoga poses help kids to build core strength and total body strength. They are challenging, require some focus but can be just enough fun to elicit an uncontrollable giggle fest. My girls love to try these and are so amazed when they can maintain a pose for a count of 10! What you'll need: Just your bodies and a timer (if you want a bit of a challenge) What to do: Downward Dog Tunnel: Have ... Read More about Partner Yoga for Kids
Tracing Activities for Kids!
This is one of our favorite simple tracing activities for kids! Tracing activities are the perfect thing to add to your list of summer activities for kids! This is also one of our favorite group activities because kids have to work together to create a finished product! Tracing activities are great for supporting visual motor and fine motor development and there are tons of fun ways to play! What you'll need: Chalk, crayons, or markers What to do: This can either be done outside on a sidewalk or driveway or inside using a large roll of paper. Children take turns tracing each ... Read More about Tracing Activities for Kids!
The Inspired Treehouse features creative, playful activities that promote development and wellness in children. We are pediatric physical and occupational therapists with years of clinical and school-based experience, but we’re busy moms too! So we know how important it is to cut to the chase and provide realistic, easy-to-implement activities and suggestions. The activities we feature here are the same ones we use in our therapy practice and at home with our own kids, so they’re tried and true! At The Inspired Treehouse, we believe that with a little help, kids can build strong, healthy ... Read More about WELCOME TO OUR TREEHOUSE!
Hoy compartimos algunos de nuestros juegos para niños de salto con cuerdas favoritos. El lanzamiento de la campaña de la Asociación Cardiológica de los Estados Unidos, Salta a la cuerda; protege tu corazón (Jump Rope for Heart), recorrió nuestras escuelas primarias el mes pasado, y a su paso muchos niños quedaron con más ganas de seguir saltando la cuerda. Este ejercicio no solo es genial para la salud cardiovascular, ¡es fantástico también para la coordinación! El año pasado publicamos una entrada sobre cómo enseñar a tu hijo a saltar la cuerda y tuvo tanto éxito que pensamos que sería ... Read More about JUEGOS CON CUERDAS PARA NIÑOS
Si buscas juegos grupales divertidos para de niños, es muy difícil desterrar los viejos juegos en los que hacíamos sonar las palmas de la mano. ¿Quién pensaría que estos juegos estimulan muchas y diferentes destrezas para el desarrollo al mismo tiempo? La coordinación bilateral, las habilidades de memoria y cognitivas, y el juego cooperativo están todos aglutinados en estos juegos y canciones divertidos, ¡que también te ayudarán a desempolvar la memoria! Esta entrada es perfecta para nuestra serie de actividades en el patio para disfrutar con los niños ¿QUÉ NECESITARÁS? Juegos con las ... Read More about JUEGOS GRUPALES PARA NIÑOS. ¡A PRACTICAR CON LAS PALMAS!