This fun group visual game is a great way to get kids engaged with one another in a classroom or other group setting while engaging the visual system. Have you ever lost one of your kids at the grocery store or the zoo? Or at the park…or the library…or the science center? Okay, now I’m showing all my cards. Yes, I lose my kids. A lot. They’re 3 lightening-quick and super curious boys, a combination that makes for tons of fun for them and a lot of freak-out moments for me when they run away from me in public. But don’t worry - this version of Who’s Missing is a lot less stressful than ... Read More about Who’s Missing Visual Game
Blindfold Challenge for Kids
In this fun blindfold challenge, kids will follow their friend's directions to navigate around the room without running into any obstacles! How many times have you told your child to “turn on his listening ears?” Well, this activity makes learning to listen fun as children explore their environments together. The only catch is - one friend is blindfolded! You'll definitely want to add this activity to your arsenal of learning games for kids!Looking for another fun way blindfold challenge? Check out this blindfolded drawing activity! Blindfold Challenge for Kids What You'll ... Read More about Blindfold Challenge for Kids
The Easiest Cooperation Game for Kids: Mirror, Mirror
Many of our therapy sessions take place either within classrooms or with a small group of kids who are working on the same or similar goal areas. Because of this, it's super important to have a mental list of fun group activities for kids on hand to keep everyone active, moving, and working on skills like coordination, strength, and balance. As therapists, we love activities for kids that can be adapted for all ages and ability levels. This activity can be as simple, or as challenging as you make it! The object is to get your partner to copy the position of your body as if they were ... Read More about The Easiest Cooperation Game for Kids: Mirror, Mirror
¿Cómo saber si tu hijo desarrolla una musculatura central fuerte?
Si ya nos sigues en The Inspired Treehouse , seguramente has leído algunas de nuestras publicaciones sobre el fortalecimiento básico para niños. Para algunos, este concepto suena un poco alocado. ¿Músculos centrales? ¿Fortalecimiento muscular? ¿¡Para niños!? ¿De qué hablan? ¿Por qué no podemos dejar que los niños sean tan solo ser niños? Quédense tranquilos, no estamos hablando de armar rutinas de trabajo con los niños para que sus abdominales luzcan trabajados. No es esa la idea. Hablamos simplemente de dar a los niños una base sólida para que desarrollen cada una de sus destrezas de ... Read More about ¿Cómo saber si tu hijo desarrolla una musculatura central fuerte?
Check out a few of our favorite kids books about cooperation skills and friendship! 1 Frederick by Leo Lionni: A sweet tale about the magic that can happen when everyone contributes his unique talents to the team. 2 Little Blue Truck by Alice Schertle: This catchy, song-like book tells the tale of Blue, the friends he makes along his way, and how they all work together to help Blue out when he's in a jam. 3 Bear Wants More by Karma Wilson and Jane Chapman: A cute little rhyme about a hungry Bear and his forest friends who all pitch in to help him fill his tummy. 4 Can I Play Too? by Mo ... Read More about OUR FAVORITE KIDS BOOKS ABOUT COOPERATION
Partner Obstacle Course Games for Kids
Obstacle course games for kids are a great way to encourage teamwork and social skills while also working on gross motor skills like balance and coordination! How to use obstacle course games to target developmental skills: Obstacle course games for kids are a fun way to promote a wide variety of gross motor skills. From working on balance to coordination to all-over body strengthening and even hand strengthening - obstacle courses do it all! Here are some ideas on how to use obstacle courses to target specific developmental skills: Gross Motor Skills: Obstacle courses ... Read More about Partner Obstacle Course Games for Kids
Gross Motor Development Activity: Create Your Own Roller Coaster Ride Ok, lets have some fun today! In my career as an OT (and also as a mom who encourages her kids to explore anything and everything), I have never come across a child who does not like to move! Sometimes the simplest gross motor activities can be the most fun. So find some kids and a sheet, and lets go! WHAT YOU'LL NEED: Sheet (any size) WHAT DO DO: Spread a sheet (any size) on a wood or tile floor, or outside on the grass. Instruct one child to sit cross-legged on the sheet and grasp the the edges on either side of ... Read More about GROSS MOTOR ACTIVITIES: CREATE YOUR OWN ROLLER COASTER
Group games for kids are a great way to focus on social skills, teamwork, and gross motor skills! Here's one of our favorites! This game takes a traditional relay challenge and turns it on it's head! Easy, free kids games are hard to come by, but this fun activity for gross motor skill development requires no planning and only simple materials you can find around your house! It's sure to get some smiles while challenging kids' motor skills and social skills too! WHAT YOU'LL NEED: An object to carry WHAT TO DO: Two children carry an object of choice (ball, pencil, stuffed animal, ... Read More about GROUP GAMES FOR KIDS: WACKY RELAY!