All kids benefit from fine motor practice with scissors and glue! In today’s circus crafts for preschoolers, your little one will create a 3-dimensional circus star – a clown, a lion, an elephant, or all 3! Your child’s creation is sure to be the star of the circus!
Looking for more fun circus activities? Try this fun and easy clown craft!
Printable Circus Crafts for Preschoolers: 3D Circus Stars
What You’ll Need:
Colored paper, scissors, glue stick, pencil, printable templates (scroll down to find the form)
What to Do:
Print out the clown circus craft template. What is he missing? His hair! Allow your child to choose a color (or several colors) of paper for the clown’s hair. In this activity, children will practice cutting from one edge of paper to other, creating long strips. You can draw straight lines for them to cut on, or just have them cut strips on their own. Once the child has cut several strips of paper, demonstrate how to roll each strip around a pencil to make the paper curl. Once they’re finished, they will be left with lots of curls of colored paper..perfect for clown hair! The final step is for the child to glue each paper curl around their clown’s face until they have used them all up, creating bright, colorful clown wigs!
Print out the lion circus craft template. What is he missing? His mane! Repeat the process above with yellow, gold, or brown paper to create the lion’s mane.
Print out the elephant circus craft template. What is he missing? His trunk! Repeat the process above with a wider strip of gray paper to create a long curling trunk for the elephant.
How to Change it Up:
-Have children use their Super Fingers to color the pictures before adding paper curls.
-Short paper strips will work just as well as long strips for children who are just beginning to learn scissor skills or for children who have trouble controlling scissors. Eliminate the curling step and simply glue on strips or small pieces of paper for the beginner.
-To encourage even more creativity, have the child draw or paint faces of their own rather than using the templates.
Skill Areas Addressed:
Bilateral coordination, fine motor skills, grasp, visual motor integration, visual perceptual skills
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