Milestones for 2 Month Old to 3 Month Old Babies
Your baby is no longer an infant and during these months, you may start to feels as if they are already growing up quickly!
Head control is getting so much stronger to the point that they can now hold their head at 90 degrees on their own.
Babies are much more alert and tend to be awake for longer periods of time at this stage of development, so you can spend even more time telling them about the objects in their environment and narrating what is happening throughout the routine of the day to provide crucial early exposure to language. Singing to your baby and playing peek-a-boo may elicit smiles and little laughs.
Babies also start to explore with their hands by 3 months of age and can often hold a rattle and reach for toys.
More 2 and 3 Months Old BABY MILESTONES
Here are some more 2 to 3 months baby milestones to look for in your little one!
- A bigger push in tummy time so that they may even be able to get their chest off of the floor
- Head movements may include controlled rotation and extension
- Babies at 3 months may start to roll from their tummy to their back
- Reaching for and grabbing toys without a controlled grasp or release
- Exploring their hands with their eyes/mouths
Activities to Entertain a 2 Month Old to 3 Month Old Baby
Wondering about how to entertain a 2 month old or 3 month old baby? We’ve got you covered! These activities are perfect for providing stimulation for babies 0-3 months and great for supporting milestones for 2 month old to 3 month old babies.
–Play mats are one of our favorite 2 month old activities to encourage reaching and visual attention and are great for tummy time practice. This can be one of the best tummy time toys for newborns and infants.
-Take your baby on a walk outside to experience new sensory input — chirping birds, the breeze on their face.
-Use a sing-song voice and different facial expressions when talking or reading to your child.
-Try some cause and effect toys, like foot rattles.
-Provide lots of opportunities for play with lightweight toys that your baby can hold with both hands and explore with their hands, mouth and eyes.
-More, more, more tummy time! Put some light-up or musical toys in front of them for motivation.
Toys to Support Milestones for a 2 Month Old to 3 Month Old

Play Mat
This play mat is an awesome tool for making tummy time even more fun and entertaining!

Foot Rattles
Foot rattles are one of the simplest and most fun gross motor toys for infants!

Want to encourage those grasping skills? Try providing a rattle for your baby to hold! This one has lots of loops and is easy to grasp!