We’re feeling awfully cooped up after weeks of ice, snow, and sub zero temps here in Ohio – so we’re in search of some great winter activities for kids!
There was only one direction that I felt I could take Movement Monday this week! It was the absolute BEST post on our Facebook Page last Monday. Maybe it was the name of the blog that caught my eye, or maybe it was the title of the post…in any case…here you go!
BAMBINI TRAVEL || Can you imagine being at a beach right now? Maybe some of you live in a warmer climate and a trip to the beach is a daily event. Erin at Bambini Travel put together a list of 5 Simple Ways for Families to Enjoy the Beach in the Winter. Many of her ideas incorporate some great gross motor movement and I think #1 might be my favorite!! I just want to know…did he catch one? :)
We hope that you’re incorporating lots of gross motor activity and fun winter activities for kids into your daily routines this winter! If you need some inspiration, check out our Movement Monday Pinterest Board for ideas.
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