Sometimes the very best therapy tools are the most simple. And, often, an entire therapy session can be designed around one single piece of equipment.
Today, I’m here to introduce you to one of my favorite therapy tools. It’s fun, it’s versatile, and it’s super beneficial for all kinds of developmental skills.
Ladies and gentlemen…the Flaghouse foam wedge!
Our Tools of the Trade posts are where we describe lots of fun and creative ways to use some of our favorite tools, toys, and pieces of equipment to promote developmental skills.
In the past we’ve talked about great products for picky eaters, fun activities to do with scooters, and cool fine motor products for kids. Today, let’s turn our attention to the wedge…
I rarely go an entire treatment session without using a foam wedge in some capacity. It’s so easy to use and kids LOVE it! (Canadian customers can find the Flaghouse foam wedge here).
Here are some of my favorite ways to use it in therapy – but these ideas could be used with any child at home or even for some gross motor fun in the classroom!
1 || Encourage proprioception in the feet and ankles by having kids stand on the inclined surface of the wedge while completing upper extremity tasks — this is a big balance challenge! Try playing catch or balloon volleyball!
2 || A wedge provides a small elevation that’s really fun to jump off of after running up the ramp. This is great for promoting body awareness!
3 || A child can sit on the wedge with buttocks at the top and legs stretched down the length of the wedge to encourage hamstring length, weight shifting and core strengthening as he completes upper extremity activities (e.g. reaching way out to the left, to the right, or out in front to grab a ball and throw it at a target).
4 || For more practice with jumping, have kids try to jump up onto the higher side of the wedge and run back down!
5 || Position a child on his belly on the wedge to do a puzzle or color a picture on the floor for back/neck extensor strengthening and upper extremity weight bearing.
6 || Use it as part of an obstacle course! Jumping onto or off of the wedge and running up or down the ramp.
7 || Stand it up its end and karate kick it over for some added lower extremity proprioception and some great auditory input — kids love the big “THUD” it makes!
8 || Log roll up and down the ramp for a bit of a core strengthening challenge.
9 || Practice somersaults on the wedge! The decline makes it easier because of the momentum, adding to the fun!
*Again, if you are a Canadian customer, you can find the Flaghouse foam wedge here.
What other ideas do you have? We would love some inspiration to try something new with our Flaghouse foam wedge!
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[…] around one single piece of equipment! That’s definitely true with this one. Here are 9 ways to use a foam wedge in […]