Welcome back to Therapy Thursday! Looking for a super easy way to target gross motor skills with kids? Check this out!
The other day, I was so excited to walk into my gorgeous therapy room packed to the ceiling with awesome developmental toys and equipment, my empty hallway corner “office” and find a stack of empty cardboard boxes. OH THE POSSIBILITIES!
Who needs all of those fancy toys and equipment when you can create an entire therapy session and work on tons of gross motor skills with only a few cardboard boxes? Even better, the kids love the variety of new challenges that come with simple play prompts like these.
First, I set up the boxes side by side, creating a maze for the kids to step through. Motor planning, balance, and coordination are key to make sure you step high enough to clear each box’s edge before landing your foot safely in the next one. Try walking through the boxes forward, sideways and backward. Can you jump from box to box? Change up the pattern so that some boxes are arranged sideways and others longways.
Then, how about some throwing and kicking practice? Stack those boxes up, up, up as high as you can, using those big muscles to make it happen! Now, knock them down! Kick a ball as hard as you can or throw a ball with just the right amount of force and accuracy. I promise that the thrill of knocking down a stack of empty boxes will keep them coming back for more every time!
And, finally, use a box as a sled! Have one kiddo sit inside a box while the other pushes from behind! AWESOME proprioceptive input and strengthening involved in this activity along with a bunch of crazy fun!!!
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