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Looking for ways to extend this activity by giving it some context beyond fine motor practice? Check out this How Seeds & Plants Grow Lapbook for 2nd – 6th grades.

What You’ll Need

-A variety of fruit/vegetable/flower seeds/dried beans/dried corn kernels (you’ll need a range of different sizes and colors)

-Printable seed collection templates (collection, sort by color, sort by size)


What to do

These simple printable activities for kids will allow kids to sort and categorize seeds in a variety of ways, working on visual discrimination skills as well as fine motor coordination.

1-Simple seed collection:  First, look through and explore your seeds with your child. Talk about what a seed is, how it grows, and his favorite foods that come from seeds.  Have your child write his name on his seed collection page.  Then, have him glue 5 or 6 of each type of seed into each box.  Have him label each box with the name of the seed that he glued inside.

2-Sort by color:  Now, have your child try sorting his seeds by color.  Most are black or white…what other colors can you find?

3-Sort by size:  Last, your child will sort his seeds by size, classifying them as small, medium, or large.

How to change it up:

-Kids have an easier time grasping small objects when they’re presented to them rather than having to pick them up from a smooth table where they can slip around.  Try placing several seeds in your hand and allowing your child to pick one up at a time.

-For younger kids or kids who have more difficulty with grasping and fine motor coordination skills, use larger seeds like pumpkin, sunflower, etc.

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SKILL AREAS ADDRESSED: Fine motor skills, grasp, coordination, visual perceptual skills, visual motor integration, cognitive skills

The Inspired Treehouse - These printable activities for kids are the perfect way to say hello to spring!



  1. […] I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again.  I stink at gardening.  I mean I REALLY stink.  My boys told me that the flowers I planted in the front yard are “looking sad” – and they’re right.  I may not have a green thumb, but the OT in me was still determined to come up with some fun fine motor activities that let my kids grow their own little “garden” anyway! […]

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