Looking for fun 4th of July activities for kids? This fun firecracker tag game is perfect for working on social skills, self-regulation, motor skills and more!
Tag games are always a hit when kids get together. Freeze tag, flashlight tag, ghosts in the graveyard, tour guide, etc.
Tag is also a great game to promote developmental skills like balance, endurance, motor planning, motor control and proprioception. I thought it would be really fun to incorporate a game of tag into our 4th of July line-up.
Activities with balloons are great for promoting all kinds of skills from gross motor to fine motor and more! This fun game is also great for supporting social skills and self-regulation, as kids have to regulate their movements to pop the balloon and their emotions if their balloon gets popped.
Pair this fun game with some awesome fine motor and visual motor activities in this 4th of July Printable Activity Pack.
Get ready for some firecracker sounds and giggles! Looking for another great 4th of July activity? Try this 4th of July memory game!
What You’ll Need:
-Red, white and blue balloons
What to do:
Blow up a balloon for each child and tie it to a string. Tie the empty end of the string to a child’s ankle so that every child has a balloon attached to them. When they hear “ready, set, go”, everyone will run around attempting to “tag” a friend by popping their balloon with their free foot, making a sound like a firecracker! The last child to have an unpopped balloon WINS!
How to change it up:
-Don’t have a group of kids to get a game of tag going? Have your child try to pop his own balloon that’s attached to his ankle. This is a challenge in itself!
-Instead of tying balloons to ankles, give kids the challenge of creating that firecracker pop of the balloon with their bottoms, one hand, their bellies, their knee, etc. Great for proprioception!!
Skill areas addressed:
Gross motor skills, balance, coordination, endurance
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