Pass routes are the different patterns that a football receiver runs. These routes vary in both direction and distance and are used so that a quarterback knows ahead of time where the receiver is going to be to catch the ball. We thought it would be fun to turn pass route patterns into a fun fine motor activity for kids. This activity is awesome for building those prewriting skills – your kiddo will get great practice with tracing vertical, horizontal, diagonal and curvy lines!
WHAT YOU’LL NEED: Football pass routes printable, pencil
WHAT TO DO: Have your child start on the green dot and, holding his pencil with his SUPER FINGERS, have him trace each pass route, staying as close to the line as possible.
– After your child completes the tracing, have him go outside and try to mimic these patterns in the yard for a double whammy of fine and gross motor development!
-Place this printable inside a ziploc bag and use a dry erase marker for tracing practice over and over again or try using a dry erase pouch!
-Ask your child to design his own passing routes! Draw them on paper using dotted lines and trace away!
SKILL AREAS ADDRESSED: Fine motor skills, visual motor integration, grasp, prewriting skills
Looking for more great fine motor activities like this one? Try these!
photo credit: Seth Lemmons via photopin cc text added, photo modified