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Looking for new Elf on the Shelf Ideas? We thought it might be fun to give this holiday tradition a little gross motor twist!
If you’re like me, you might be dreading the appearance of this little floppy red guy. My husband and I just plain CAN’T remember to move the Elf every night. I can’t tell you how many times we have jumped out of bed just as we’re falling asleep to creep down the stairs and reposition him.
Believe me, midnight isn’t the best time to think creatively about a funny new thing for him to be doing. So, in order to supply you with some quick-on-the-draw ideas, we present 15 Gross Motor Activities for The Elf on the Shelf!
1. Wall Sits – Have kids position themselves so they’re sitting up against the wall – with no chair!
2. Rowing a boat. Have kids sit on the floor facing each other with legs crossed, holding each other’s hands. Show them how to rock forward and backwards, rowing their boat!
3. Jumping Jacks!
4. Push-ups
5. Child’s Pose
6. Balance on One Foot
7. Swinging
8. Climbing the tree (ok, maybe your kids can’t really climb a tree right now, but how about reaching for something high in the tree, up on their tiptoes — great for balance!)
9. Lifting Weights (we used a straw and marshmallows to make our weights!)
10. Stair Climbing (Duplo blocks were the perfect size for Elf Stairs!)
11. Wheelbarrow Walking
12. Hopscotch
13. Sack races (jumping)
14. Tug of war
15. Somersaults
If you’ve had a few too many Christmas cookies, join in on the action and get moving with your elf and your little ones! :)
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