If you’re on the lookout for new winter activities for your kiddos at home or your kids at work, this one won’t disappoint! Round up a group of little ones and show them how to make their bodies into beautiful snowflakes – as a team!
What you’ll need:
-A group of kids
-An open space
-Printable pose list (read below and fill out the form)
What to do:
For this activity, kids will use their bodies to create giant, changing snowflake shapes on the floor…kind of like a human kaleidoscope!
Have the group of kids start in the position described below and then call out the different position changes (listed on the printable pose list), watching your giant snowflake take all kinds of different shapes.
Begin with all children lying in a circle on their backs with their heads in the middle, arms along their sides:
Tell the children to:
-reach out and hold hands with neighbors on either side
-spread legs apart and touch feet with neighbors on either side
-move into boat pose, then raise arms and hold hands with neighbors
-scoot away from center of circle, lie flat on backs, stretch arms overhead – straight into center of circle
-with arms still above head, reach out and grab hands with your neighbor, then spread legs out wide to touch feet with your neighbor
-still holding hands above head, pull knees into chest and then everyone drop your knees to the right. Switch sides, drop to the left
-Still holding hands above head, bring the soles of the feet together, letting knees drop out to the sides
Begin with all children lying in a circle on their stomachs with their heads in the middle, arms along their sides:
Tell the children to:
-raise their arms out into the middle of the circle and then lift legs and arms off the ground (like Superman)
-with arms and legs still lifted, reach out and hold hands with neighbors on either side and spread legs apart to touch feet with neighbors on either side
-rest back on their tummies and then place hands on floor under chest. Push up on hands to lift chest off the ground
-come into all fours position and raise their right legs behind them and their left arms out in front of them, then switch sides
Begin with all children standing in a circle, arms length apart.
Tell the children to:
-reach out and hold hands with their neighbors
-raise hands overhead
-with hands still raised overhead, stretch legs out wide to touch feet with neighbors
-while still holding hands, reach hands into middle of the circle and step feet back together
-keep holding hands with their neighbors in the middle of the circle and stretch one leg back behind them, then switch legs

[…] this with our snowflake motor planning game for a whole fine motor/gross motor lesson […]