Hi there! How are you today? I hope everyone is rested and relaxed from the weekend. Did you get outside to do something fun with your family? We are in the thick of swim team season at my house so we spend long weekend hours in a hot, humid natatorium. We do try to get outside as much as we can though, because soon enough, it will be snowy and blowy in northeast Ohio!
We have some great ideas for gross motor activities that were shared by some of our favorite bloggers this week! Check out the amazing games they came up with, give them a try and leave them a comment to let them know how much you loved them (and tell them we sent you! :)
Also, head on over to our Facebook Page and share your favorite whole body movement activities today!
In fact, let’s make things a little more interesting this week. Please consider sharing a picture of your family or your kiddos enjoying some active fall fun! We will round them all up next week here on the blog!
We love these ideas for BIG art from You Clever Monkey! It’s always great to infuse whole body movement into something fun like an art project because kiddos don’t realize how hard they are working. The developmental benefits here are AWESOME: reaching, bending, crossing midline, using both hands, and more! Nichole has an art project in this post that touches on just about every gross motor movement you can think of — even hopping!! Check it out!
Have you read Herve Tullet’s book “Press Here”? If not, get it in your hands as quickly as possible! It is fantastic! My little guy still gets a kick out of it every time we read it. Buggy and Buddy has a whole series of activities to go along with Press Here and our favorite is this one! Can you guess why?? Let me spell it out for you: throwing skills, homemade beanbag, free printable, movement and learning all rolled into one — A.W.E.S.O.M.E!!
Finally, Sara from Happy Brown House wins the award for the activity that goes best with the season! This gross motor activity inspired by the book Fall Leaves Fall gets kiddos working on motor planning and proprioception through a raking activity! Raking is perfect for bilateral coordination and crossing midline. And…bonus…maybe it will carry over to the outdoors and they can help with major yard clean-up as those real leaves start to fall!