As a child, I was constantly rearranging my very small bedroom to try to get a new look! Let me tell you, there were only two ways that my bed and dresser would fit in that room, but I wasn’t deterred! Sometimes it just came down to accessories! :)
Now, as an adult, I find myself doing the same thing. I’m always looking for kids room ideas and I want all of the rooms in my house to be colorful and cozy at the same time. My two daughters seem to have inherited this constant need for change and are getting very good at tweaking things in their rooms just enough to make a noticeable difference! I really think that interior design might have been a career I should have pursued.
I thought it would be really fun to create my dream kid’s playroom – my idea of a great space to inspire creativity and movement while being incredibly comfortable at the same time. I hope you like it, and stay tuned because in the next few days, Claire will be creating her dream playroom space too!
I can’t wait to see the differences in our playrooms based on our individual personalities and styles! We hope our designs will inspire you to create a cool play space for the kids in your home!
1 || Lego Wall – Opposite the wall with the fantastic wallpaper, I would create a Lego wall. Again, great fine motor practice and I think it would be awesome to see all of that 3D lego art! I would attach the lego building plates to the wall with Command mounting strips since they are completely removable!
2 || Graham and Brown Frames Wallpaper – This would be the foundation of my room. I am a bit of a control freak, so coloring on the walls would ordinarily be a big NO. But, with this Frames Wallpaper from Astek Wallpaper, the kiddos could create masterpieces on the wall whenever they wanted – all in neat little frames!! Just imagine the fine and visual motor practice they would get!
3 || Bean Bag Chairs – I would have to have a grouping of these bean bag chairs somewhere in the room. I think they would be perfect little spots to read or rest and would offer a nice, big sensory hug.
4 || Swing – A swing is a MUST in my playroom for balance work and, of course, to address those sensory needs! I love this one because it can be used in standing, sitting or lying down – so versatile!
5 || Trampoline – This mini trampoline would help get the sillies out with hours of jumping and bouncing! I can just picture my son running, landing on the trampoline for a good bounce and flying off to land on a stack of the beanbags (see above)! This part of the playroom would engage those gross motor skills like no other!
What would you include in your dream play room? We’d love to hear from you! Leave a comment below or give us a shout on Facebook!
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