We love easy paper crafts for kids! Here’s one of my favorite fine motor activities for kids with a new twist: the friendship paper chain!
“Is it Friday yet?” “How many days until we get to go to Dylans house?” Or, my personal favorite, “Is it tomorrow yet?” You’ve probably heard a few of these gems as your child counts down the days until an exciting event.
A paper chain can be a fun way to count down to a visit with a cousin, a meet-up with a play group, or a special classroom event. This version sets the stage for a lesson on what it means to be a good friend.
WHAT YOU’LL NEED: scissors, construction or craft paper, crayons or markers
In the classroom:
Provide each child with a rectangular piece of construction paper with a straight line drawn down the middle (making two narrow rectangles). Tell each child to cut his or her paper on the line. Once everyone has their two rectangles cut, instruct the group to write their name on one of the rectangles and set it aside. Go around the table and ask each child, “What does a good friend do?” On their other rectangle write their answer (older children can write their answers independently). The children can then draw pictures to illustrate their answers on the back of the rectangle. Have the kids help you staple or tape the rectangles together forming the links of a long chain. The chain can be hung around the room and used to count down to a specific day or event, or just for decoration!
At home:
Follow the same instructions as above. Since you’ll probably be working with a smaller group, have each child cut multiple links, writing names of friends, descriptions of a good friend, or drawing pictures of friends on each.
-For kids who aren’t quite able to cut on a line yet and need easy crafts, simply supply them with a stack of pre-cut paper rectangles that they can decorate.
-For kids with higher level scissors skills, try drawing different types of lines to cut to make links with various designs (e.g. zigzags, curvy lines, etc.)
-Looking for more practice with scissors? Check out Making the Cut: 13 Ways to Teach Kids to Use Scissors.
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