In the spirit of the season, we thought it would be fun to put together a gratitude Thanksgiving scavenger hunt. This one is great for working on handwriting and sensorimotor skills!
There is always talk of gratitude and thoughtful reflection at this time of year. Social media feeds are flooded with reminders to slow down and actually look around for things that bring you joy. But how many of us actually do that?
How many of us really think about how thankful we are for the warm sunny spot on the carpet on a cold winter’s day? Or, the multi-color sunset that we witnessed after a late day at work?
Gratitude is something that I am trying to be more intentional with and that I am trying to teach my kids to be more conscious of (at home and at school). That’s why I created this printable full of prompts to get everyone to stop for second and think about all they have to be thankful for.
What you’ll need:
The free scavenger hunt printable
What to do:
Print the scavenger hunt and let kids reflect on their answers to each prompt. For the prompts that ask for a written answer, they can write on the line. For the prompts that ask them to find a specific object, they can make a check mark on the line.
How to change it up:
-Try this Thanksgiving scavenger hunt during a group session or in your classroom and have kids share their responses!
-After kids complete their scavenger hunts, roll up the paper and tie them with ribbon or string – these would be a great gift for kids to bring home to their parents!
Skill areas addressed:
Cognitive skills, visual motor skills, handwriting, social emotional skills