Developmental Stages for Children from Birth to Preschool
Developmental milestones are the all-important building blocks of childhood. Every child develops differently, but there are general guidelines that pediatricians, therapists, and developmental specialists follow to ensure that your child is progressing with these skills.
What should you expect? What are the milestone red flags? What can you do to encourage strengthening and growth? Don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with resources for all age groups.
Select an age group below to get started or head straight to our free activities section!
Baby Developmental Milestones
The Ultimate List of Baby Milestones: 0 to 12 Months
There are so many stages of infant development it’s hard for us as parents not to worry! Learn more about your baby’s milestones – how to track their development and movements from 0 to 12 months, when to spot a red flag and what to do to address it.
>>> Track 0-12 Month Milestones
Physical Activity for Babies Recorded Webinar
In this 1-hour recorded webinar, you’ll learn the basic motor milestones for your baby and come away with a toolbox full of creative, unique activity ideas to promote the development of each milestone. This is a perfect resource for first time parents!
Toddler Developmental Milestones
Toddler Development Stages: 1 and 2 Year Old Milestones
If you thought the baby stage was interesting, get ready for the toddler years! Your kid’s motor skills take off and so will they! Learn more about 1 and 2 year old’s milestones and grab your free checklist for 12, 15 and 18 month old milestone red flags.
The Developmental Milestones Handbook
Looking for a resource of what to expect for your child’s first years? Our eBook will take an in-depth look at each stage of your child’s development from birth to five years old. It also includes over 100 therapist-recommended activities to support your child’s growth throughout the years!
Preschooler Developmental Milestones
Preschool: 3 Year Old Milestones to 5 Year Old Milestones
While toddlers take off with gross motor skills, preschoolers learn to refine their skills like balance and coordination. There’s also a lot of independence that comes with being a preschooler, as they will gladly tell you! Learn about what to expect during these years, what can be seen as a red flag and fun free activities you can do at home.
The Printable Developmental Milestones Pack
Our therapist-developed printable pack allows you to track your child’s skills and identify red flags early. We also include everyday play ideas (no expensive materials necessary!) and recommended toys for each age group that promote learning.
Our Top Free Activities for Growing Kids
- 10 Gross Motor Activities for Toddlers: These gross motor activities for toddlers are the perfect way to get your little one up and moving!
- Gross Motor Skills Activities for 2 and 3 Year Olds: These gross motor skills activities are the perfect way to keep 2 and 3-year-olds entertained while building important skills like balance and coordination.
- Fine Motor Skills Activities for 2 and 3 Year Olds:These fine motor skills activities are great for helping 2 and 3-year-olds develop hand strength, coordination, and manipulation skills.
- Sensory Motor Outdoor Scavenger Hunt For Kids:Our sensory motor outdoor scavenger hunt for kids is the perfect way to explore the senses and the outdoors!
- The Simplest Calming Sensory Trick: Deep Pressure:Deep pressure can quickly help calm an anxious or overstimulated child without a lot of planning or equipment!
- 50 Sensory Ideas for Small Spaces:Check out some of our best sensory ideas for small spaces! From movement activities, to tactile sensory activities, to visual activities, and more!