Getting ready to go back to school after the summer can be tough! It takes a lot of adjusting to get used to the early mornings, the long days of sitting, the hours of listening, and the shorter evenings with less time to burn off all of that pent up energy. Getting ready for school involves a lot more than checking off the items on that back-to-school supply list. Here are 6 articles from practicing pediatric occupational and physical therapists who have years of experience getting kiddos ready for school.
MOVEMENT BREAKS TO HELP KIDS STAY ALERT AND FOCUSED: We preach it a lot here at The Inspired Treehouse…KIDS NEED TO MOVE! With the impending first day of school, your kiddos will be challenged to sit for longer and longer periods of time — and not only sit, but pay attention! This is hard, but Movement Breaks can help!
TEACHING KIDS TO TIE THEIR SHOES: Unfortunately, learning to tie shoelaces doesn’t come easily for all kids. To keep those little spirits up and motivated, here are some of our favorite shoe-tying methods and tips. Videos included!
HELPING KIDS LEARN TO CLIMB STAIRS SAFELY: When children get to school and are confronted with a flight of steep, long stairs, sometimes they panic! They’ll go down one step at a time, hold the handrail with two hands, or sidestep their way to the bottom. Try these fun suggestions for supporting independence and safety with stair climbing!
HANDWRITING: Difficulty with handwriting is one of the most common child development issues we see in our school-based occupational therapy practice. Try this quick tip to help kids learn appropriate sizing of lowercase letters!
WHAT IS A FIDGET TOY: Think about all of the ways you calm your body and focus without even thinking about it – tapping your fingers, bouncing your legs, or rocking slightly in your chair. Kids need to fidget too! Check out these ways to help kids direct their energy in a less distracting way to help them focus better on the task at hand!
TEACHING KIDS HOW TO DRESS THEMSELVES: It is 7:30 a.m. and the bus is coming in 15 minutes. You have lunches to pack and breakfasts to make. You have to check the backpacks, sign the notes and…oh yea, make yourself a cup of coffee. There is absolutely, positively no time for you to dress your kids. THEY WILL HAVE TO DO IT THEMSELVES! We have you covered with some tips and tricks to get your child independently dressing in no time! We can promise you that you have never thought of some of these ideas!
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photo credit: Girl Like The Sea via photopin cc photo modified for collage
photo credit: aunullah via photopin cc photo modified for collage
photo credit: GoodNCrazy via photopin cc photo modified for collage
photo credit: harry harris via photopin cc photo modified for collage