Did you know that right around the age of 5, your child should be able to get the hang of using both sides of her body together to coordinate a jumping jack? This is an important skill in child development – one that they will have to demonstrate over and over in their physical education classes at school. An easy way to tackle this large body movement is to have the child mimic the shapes of letters with her body. This method provides a visual component that helps with motor planning.
Have him make an “X” with his body by jumping his legs out wide and lifting his arms up high overhead. Then, have him make an “I” with his body by jumping his legs back together and moving his arms back down by his sides. Start by saying the letters slowly, having him demonstrate each in slow motion. Then gradually speed it up. Before you know it, she’ll be proud to show you a real jumping jack!!
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PHOTO CREDIT: (α is for äpΩL † via photopin cc – text added to photo)