This fun Halloween Activity for Toddlers is not too spooky, has plenty of wow-factor, and doesn’t require too much prep or clean-up.
At my house, we have a 5 year gap between my middle child and my “baby” (who turns 3 tomorrow). There are a lot of great things about this age difference…and a few challenges.
One of them is Halloween. Why? Because an 8-year-old boy and a 9-year-old boy have very different ideas about Halloween than a 2-year-old boy. Let me clarify…
8 and 9-year-old boys like scary costumes, spooky decorations that make sounds when you walk by, and telling scary stories.
2-year-old boys? Well, if they’re anything like mine, they’re terrified of the whole thing. In fact, my little guy even started calling it “Hallow-mean” because he’s convinced that the whole holiday is just a cruel prank designed to scare babies.
To make a long story short, it’s very hard to find Halloween activities for toddlers that my poor, frightened guy will actually try because he has such a mental block on this spooky holiday. But the other day, I finally thought of something great. Not only did he try it, but he actually stuck with it for more than 30 minutes (which is an eternity when it comes to toddler attention span). Not too spooky, plenty of wow-factor, and not too much prep or clean-up. My kind of activity!
Here’s what we did…
Witch’s Brew Halloween Activity for Toddlers
What you’ll need:
Baking soda
Food coloring (we used green to make our brew look extra witchy)
Large cup or container (for your colored vinegar)
Smaller cup or container (for your cauldron)
Pipettes or eye droppers
What to do:
Pour some vinegar into the larger container. Squeeze a few drops of food coloring into the container and let your child stir it up a bit.
Scoop a spoonful of baking soda into the bottom of the smaller container.
Have kids use their eye droppers or pipettes to squeeze the colored vinegar into the “cauldron”, on top of the baking soda.
They’ll have to work hard to squeeze enough of the vinegar into the container fast enough to get the witch’s brew to bubble over the top of the cauldron!
How to change it up:
-If you’re playing with more than one child, try making it a race! Who can get their witch’s brew to bubble over the top of their cauldron first?
-Try using different colors to make different kinds of brews!
-Mixing colors is fun too!
Looking for more fun ideas for toddlers? Check out our favorite gross motor activities for toddlers and fine motor skills activities for toddlers!
What’s your favorite Halloween activity for toddlers? Let us know in the comments below!