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Today is the big day. Your team is playing the big rival (in our neck of the woods, this means that Ohio State is playing Michigan! :) and it’s sure to be the best game of the year. You’re hosting a huge tailgate party at your house before kickoff and there’s only one thing standing in the way of you and the big screen for the big game…the kids! How in the world are you going to keep them occupied so that you can hang with friends and neighbors and not miss even one play!?
Fear not! We’ve got you covered! Here are our 5 favorite tailgating activities for kids that will do more than just keep kids happy and occupied – they’re also awesome for developing motor skills!
1. FLICKEN CHICKEN: This game ROCKS! Kids take turns throwing target discs and then try to hit those targets by throwing rubber chickens. Yep – you read that correctly – rubber chickens. AND…these chickens bounce! That means that Flicken Chicken requires some serious motor control if you want to bring home a win! The kiddo with the least number of “flicks” to get their chicken to the target wins!
2. CORNHOLE: Yes, I know, this is your game. But, how about a homemade version for your kiddos? Hand-eye coordination, cooperation, turn taking, prioprioception. So many great skills addressed with this game. We love this super portable, kid-friendly version of cornhole!
3. FOOTBALL KICKING CONTEST: Get those kiddos in the mood for game day by challenging them to a football kicking contest! Better yet, you can get in on the action too! But for this version, there’s a catch! Try playing with this GIANT football, ensuring some contagious laughter!
4. ZOOM BALL: This is one of my favorite items in my therapy bag. We call it “football” because, well, the little plastic bobble is shaped like a football and it zooms just as fast as a quarterback can throw! This little gem is AMAZING for working on bilateral coordination and core strengthening. WHAT? That’s right, core strengthening! You won’t believe how difficult it is to stabilize your body while your arms pull with just the right amount of force to get the ball to flow back and forth. Once your kiddos get the hang of Zoom Ball, they won’t want to stop!!
5. BOCCE: In the game of Bocce, players try to earn points by throwing their bocce balls closest to a small ball called a “pallina”. It can turn into a pretty intense competition as kids bounce or roll toward a win! Check out this beginner Bocce set – the perfect way to learn this fun, Italian-born game.
We hope you and your kids have a great game day! If you use one of our ideas, please share a picture on our FACEBOOK PAGE! And, by the way, what is your must watch, can’t miss, biggest game of the season?? Any other Buckeye fans out there?!
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