If you’re facing an extended break from school or the clinic (whether expected or unexpected), you may be wondering how you can help the kids on your caseload maintain and continue to build the skills you’ve been working on in therapy or the classroom.
That’s why we’re excited to share this brand new activity pack! It’s the perfect thing to send home to families so they can promote and support skills while kids are not getting their usual therapy services over breaks.
If you’re looking for other home program ideas, we’ve got you covered! Check out our occupational and physical therapy home program activities.
This pack contains more than 15 printable pages of fine motor and gross motor activities created by occupational and physical therapists.
The Springtime Activity Pack Includes:
-Letter templates for families and kids explaining the need for this packet
-Springtime Gross Motor Training Camp Cards
-Springtime Gross Motor Bingo
-Spring-Themed Prompted Drawing Pages
-Complete the Patter Page
-Balance Practice Ideas
-Cutting Pages
-Recommendations for Fine Motor and Visual Motor Apps
-Rainbow Writing Name Practice Page