Thank you to all of you who shared your favorite movement activities for kids on our Facebook page last Monday. We had such a variety of fun ideas to choose from for our round-up today.
We hope that you had a FANTASTIC weekend! We had the opportunity to get outside and enjoy the sunshine! We rode bikes, played basketball in the driveway and planted some pansies to add some pretty spring color to our front porch. Here are some of the best activities that were shared with us last week!
PINK OATMEAL || Chanda, a fellow pediatric physical therapist shared her favorite toys for outdoor, gross motor play.
PRE-K PAGES || Check out this game to get kids moving like zoo animals! Vanessa used pocket dice to add pictures of common zoo animals and the movements they make. Use the free printable to make your own. So much fun!
BUTTERBEES and BUMBLEFLIES || Christy shares her ideas for creating an indoor obstacle course for crawling babies that even older siblings will enjoy! Who doesn’t love climbing over a big pile of pillows?!?!
We hope you are inspired to get moving with your kids, inside or outside today! Enjoy your week!!
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