The Simplest Calming Sensory Trick:

We see many kids who have difficulty with self-regulation and sensory processing respond positively to tools and activities that involve deep pressure (e.g. weighted blankets, bear hugs). Deep pressure can quickly help calm an anxious or overstimulated child without a lot of planning or equipment!

Why Is Deep Pressure Calming?

Light touch is often perceived as alerting and even agitating, while deep pressure touch is typically calming and organizing to the sensory systems.

Deep pressure touch has been found to be an effective strategy for individuals with autism, anxiety, hyperactivity, developmental disabilities, and other special needs. It’s a simple little trick that can have a calming effect within minutes and doesn’t always require any equipment just your own two hands!

Who Benefits From Deep Pressure?

Weighted Items

Weighted blankets, vests, lap pads, suspenders, stuffed animals, etc. 

Deep pressure Tools & Activities


Compression vests, socks, pants, shirts, etc. 


Cuddle Me Sensory Tunnel, a Body Sock, Cuddle Swing, Cozy Canoe, or Sensory Sack


Bean bag chairs, a pressure foam roller, Howdahug Seat, Couch cushion squishes

Make a "blanket burrito," give a massage, hand squeezes or bear hugs, swimming or water play. 


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