How to Encourage

Independant play

Why is independent play so important? -It builds confidence -It builds creativity & imagination -It’s great for self-regulation -It can help limit screen time -It fosters problem-solving skills -It gives caregivers a much needed break!

Some of our favorite ideas to try

-Play dough and puzzles -Markers or crayons, paper, and blocks -Any toy with water -Play dough with blocks and Legos

-Markers, paper, & toy animals -Markers and cars -Mr. Potato Head & play dough -Perfection game & play dough

- Trains, tracks - Plastic toy dishes & play dough - Hexbugs & Magnatiles or Legos - Play tunnel with cars

- Tape and toy animals or action figures - Tape and cars - Markers and puzzles - Dry beans or dry rice

- Play dough & balls - Rubber stamps - Blocks & Legos with cars - Couch cushions & stuffed animals

Shaving Cream Sensory Play Ideas

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