Shaving Cream

Sensory Play Ideas

Want a fun way to level up sensory exploration in your home, classroom or therapy clinic?  Grab a can of shaving cream and let the messy play begin! These shaving cream sensory play ideas are the perfect way to inspire some fun and creative play for kids!


- Snow Storm  Cover a table in piles of shaving cream, and have kids spread it around to create a snow storm - Snowy Animal Cards  Download the snowy animal cards.  Print and laminate the pages.  Cover the cold weather animal with shaving cream and read the hints to the child to see if they can guess which animal is hiding!

- Take It To A Slide - Make Pretty Cards - Bath Time   Fill a bin or bowl with shaving cream and toss in a few plastic animals to give them a bath.

- Construction Time   Shaving cream acts like glue when it’s spread onto foam blocks.  - Racetrack   Pull out some Hotwheels and spread some shaving cream on the table to create a really cool (and slippery!) racetrack.

- Make your own shaving cream puff paint to play with later - Make shaving cream rain clouds


While shaving cream is a fun and engaging experience for some little hands, for other kids it’s icky and overwhelming.  All of us have aversions to different types of sensory input, so keep this in mind when planning activities. 

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