Core Strengthening

Exercises for Kids

This post about Core Strengthening Exercises for Kids is consistently one of our most viewed articles at The Inspired Treehouse.  Why?

Because there are a lot of parents, teachers, and therapists out there who know that core strengthening is essential for the progression of nearly all other developmental skills.  The core is the center of control for everything else the body does!

Have your child lay on his back with his knees bent and feet flat on the floor.  Have them push hard through their heels to raise their bottom up off the floor.  Be sure that they are keeping their head and shoulders on the ground.



Have your little one fly like the superhero and strengthen his back! Have him lay on his stomach on the floor and try to lift his arms up off of the floor so that his upper chest comes up too. 

This one is an obvious (and overall) core strengthener.  Have your child lay on his stomach on the floor with his hands flat on the floor at shoulder level and toes on the floor.   On the count of 3, have him push up on his hands to straighten his arms and lift his whole body all the way to his toes off of the floor.


Wheelbarrow Walking

Have your child lay on his stomach on the floor. While you hold his knees (easier) or ankles (bit more of a challenge), have him walk his hands forward 10 steps and backward 10 steps.  

- Swimming - Negotiating an obstacle course - Climbing up a slide - Swinging - Crab walking - Play tug of war

Strengthening through Games and Play

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