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Our top resource for teachers & Classrooms
The Therapist-Informed Classroom is full of strategies and resources from seasoned school-based OTs & PTs to help you engage with your students, conquer challenging behaviors, and support breakdowns in basic skill areas.
This course is delivered in written lessons with printable handouts and activities that you can review on your own time when it’s convenient.
Other resources for teachers:
If you haven’t stopped by The Inspired Treehouse lately, you’ll definitely want to check out these popular posts:
Classroom Center Ideas to Promote Fine and Gross Motor Skills
In this post, you’ll find tons of awesome ideas for promoting motor skills during your daily classroom centers. We love coming up with play-based, movement-based, and hands-on learning ideas!
Alternative Seating for the Classroom
Learn about how to establish an alternative seating strategy in your classroom, including printable resources, funding options and more!
Creative Indoor Recess Activities
During the cold, winter months, it’s often difficult to keep kids active and engaged during indoor recess. Try these ideas to make this time of day even more fun!
Circle Time Tips and Strategies
Circle time can be a challenge! Whether you’re dealing with sensory concerns, behavior challenges, or positioning issues – we’ve got you covered!
Creating a Sensory Friendly Classroom
Incorporating sensory input during the school day is crucial for supporting attention and engagement in your students. These are our best ideas for how to seamlessly weave some sensory experience into your typical learning activities.
Active Learning Strategies: 25 Games & Activities to Get Kids Moving & Learning
Get kids up and moving with these fun games and activities! Movement is one of the most effective means for helping kids understand and remember academic concepts!
Calming Sensory Strategies for the Classroom
These ideas will help in almost any classroom. Support your students with calming sensory and self-regulation strategies that they can use for years to come!
Transition Strategies to Prevent Tantrums
Moving between activities throughout the day can be tough for many kids. These creative ideas will help smooth out those transition times.