Think you’re a baby development guru? Or maybe you just want to dive in and learn more about what skills to expect from babies at what age. Our baby development quiz is the perfect place to start!
Test Your Baby Development Knowledge!
So how did you do? Are you a baby development guru or do you want to learn more? If you want to learn more, you can find information about Baby Milestones here. You’ll learn about some of the ways babies begin to move and develop in the first year of life.
Interested in finding out about how to boost developmental skills in infants? Check out these development-boosting activities for babies! You’ll find 30 fun ideas that will get babies moving and learning. And, if you’re looking for information about toddlers and preschoolers (ages 1 – 5), you can find all of our information about developmental milestones here.
There are so many skills that babies develop during the first year – it can be hard to keep them all straight! When do they happen? How do they develop? Why are they even important? We’ve got you covered with all of our developmental skills pages!
Developmental Skills
At what age do babies roll over?
When do babies learn to sit up?
Developmental Perseverance
The perseverance babies and children show as they move from one developmental phase to another is beyond anything we could even begin to understand as adults. Explore this developmental perseverance (and how we respond to it) a little further.
Activities for Babies and Big Kids
Looking for activities for babies that will keep your big kids entertained too? Rachel Coley’s got you covered with her two awesome books – and we’ve added some of our own ideas too!
The Developmental Milestone Competition
As new parents, the idea of developmental milestones is planted in our heads on the day of our baby’s first visit to the pediatrician. So what is it with our need to compare and compete when it comes to our friends’ kids and babies? Find out more!
Siblings and Childhood Development
All children progress through the stages of childhood development at different rates. Even siblings can achieve milestones at completely different times. Some learn to walk at 8 months while others may not figure out how to place one foot in front of the other until 16 months. Learn how a little sibling competition can be a good thing when it comes to developmental skills.